Steph Granillo

Something New, 53"x43", January 2024

Part of a series bringing new life to an unknown woman’s discarded quilt stash

Vintage quilt blocks, dress shirt, cotton, machine and hand pieced, longarm quilted

A Quilt with No Secrets, 47"x62", December 2023

Clothing from Mexico that was my grandma's before she passed away, crochet her mother handmade, embroidery, machine pieced, hand quilted

Memory of Daybreak, 60"x60", June 2023

Created during a time of personal helplessness as a reminder that darkness never lasts forever

Cotton, machine pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Wedge curves from the Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters

Rescued Remnants I and II, 12"x12", 2023

Top: doll clothing, bib, artificial flower petals, machine pieced, hand quilted

Bottom: denim jeans, satin pillowcase, machine pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Wedge curves

Rescued Remnants I on view at The Really Small Museum, Austin TX

Harbor Quilt, 60"x60", May 2023

Cotton, machine pieced, longarm quilted

Pattern: Harbor Quilt

Longarm: Missouri Quilt Co

Cloud Gazing, 36"x48", May 2023

Cotten, linen shirt, sundress, remnants, found mesh, machine pieced, hand quilted

Shirtsleeve Sonata, 48"x36", April 2023

Thrifted dress shirts, tablecloth, machine pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Shirt Sleeve Improv Curves workshop with Sherri Lynn Wood

Creating Your New Dawn, 43"x44", November 2022

A celebration of the chaos between life rhythms

Cotton, tablecloth, remnants, machine pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Building Rhythmic Structures workshop with Sherri Lynn Wood

Quilted Mirrors, September 2022

Created for The Mall (, Austin TX

Shattered kitchen backsplash, thrifted clothing, machine pieced, machine quilted

A Hug from Home, 14"x14", June 2022

Cyanotype on cotton, pillow insert, machine pieced, machine quilted

Seeds of Joy, 45"x45", January 2022

Vintage and found textiles, pillowcase, cotton, paint, embroidery, needle-turn applique, raw edge-applique, collage, weaving, couching, machine and hand pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Vignettes quilt from Heidi Parks

Quilted Vases, 2022

Cotton, recycled glass, machine pieced, machine quilted

8"x6", 2022

Cyanotype on cotton, machine pieced, hand quilted

Lilac Color Study: Daydream, 9"x12", 2022

Remnants weaving

Soft Triptych, 24"x24", 2022

Dress lining and overlay, vintage nightgown lining and overlay, top from Mexico, headband, fleece sheet, hand pieced, hand quilted

Core Desire Quilt, 60"x60", February 2021

Cotton, machine pieced, hand quilted

Improv score: Floating squares from the Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters

62"x67", Work in progress

Cotton, dress shirts, dress, remnants, pillowcase dyed with osage orange wood chips, machine pieced

45"x45", Work in progress

Part of a series bringing new life to an unknown woman’s discarded quilt stash

Vintage quilt blocks, tablecloth, cotton, machine pieced

49"x36", Work in progress

Velvet, cotton, thrifted shirts, flannel, machine pieced

32"x40", Work in progress

Cotton, machine pieced

41" x 44", Work in progress

Cotton, machine pieced